Home remedies to cure menstrual pain
This particular home ingredient is also very powerful to provide you relief from menstrual cramp. Apart from relieving you from cramp, it is also excellent in iron content, calcium content as well as dietary fiber. Since, it has good amount of manganese, the symptoms of menstrual cramp will be eradicated.
Many ladies have a problem of constipation or painful bloating during the period of menstruation. It is better to consume warm water in such situation. This will reduce the problem of constipation allowing you smooth flow of menstrual blood with less pain. There are many food items which are rich in water. These include berries, celery, watermelon, lettuce etc. You can easily consume them to stay hydrated for a longer period.
During the period of menstrual problem ginger plays an important role in reducing the symptoms. Some women have got a tendency of having the symptoms like headaches, common cold etc. You can easily get rid of the symptoms with the ginger water drink. You can smash some ginger and boil the same in hot water. On drinking it, you can easily get relief from the painful menstrual period.
Carom seeds
Do you know how these seeds are helpful? Carom seeds when taken with a cup of boiling water can reduce the pain in the legs and helps in fighting those cramps. Else you can roast few carom seeds and swallow them with milk. This cures you from heavy pain. Have you heard about benefits of carom seed oil? It is used for muscle relaxation. Apply the carom oil on the strained muscles during the period.
Aloe vera
Use aloe vera juice to get rid from pain during periods. Having aloe vera juice with one teaspoon of honey thrice in a day will get more relief and supports in easing the heavy blood flow.
Iron rich diet
During menstruation iron will get depleted easily. So select the food items that are rich in iron and start eating. Dried apricots and red meat are rich in producing zinc and iron.
What should be avoided?
It will be important for the women to avoid certain food in order to get relief from menstrual cramp. These foods include beverage with carbon content, fast food and alcoholic beverage. Instead of consuming caffeine, you must replace your morning drink with mint or ginger teas. You can also consume hot water with some flavor of lemon in it. This will not only help decreasing cramp of menstruation but also would help getting healthy in a long term basis.