
FOR MENTAL :  Aloe Vera people think they are right and have firm principles.

They are over enthusiastic and intensely involved in work.

They plan ahead and want to keep themselves busy all the time, that is the reason they are hyperactive and mind is not at rest at any time of the day.

They suffer from stress and they stretch themselves so much that they are on the verge of breaking down and they enjoy that situation, because they are occupied.

They are difficult people as far as relaxation is concern.

They do injustice to themselves while over working and become fanatic and also, when they fall sick the ailment is the hindrance in their work, due to the illness they get irritated because it is hampering their work.

Typical of the Aloe Vera type are “workaholics” whose drive is so intense that they neglect their emotional and physical needs, often sacrificing rest, food, and social contact in order to accomplish their goals.

Aloe particularly suits those who have a creative constitution, who are suffering from lethargy or exhaustion due to a burn out effect.

They may be driven by self-criticism and have strong will power, but eventually deplete their inner energy.

Aloe Vera pours ‘water’ on excess ‘fire.’

An Aloe Vera person tends to feel angry at himself, and feels dissatisfied and ill humored particularly on cloudy days.

Such an attitude cripples the ability to experience life in a heart-felt way, and drains the body of vital energy.

While will power can carry such persons quite far, eventually they reach a point of exhaustion, burnout, or breakdown.

For those who get dreams at night.

For hyperactive and stressed children.

Executives on the road to burn out.

Those people who are unable to stop and enjoy the fruits of their labour, believe life should be an effort.

FOR PHYSICAL :  It is for hot fiery people, who are prone to inflammatory problems and to feelings of anger, irritability and self-criticism.

Aloe Vera also has an affinity with the digestive tract, the liver and reproductive system.

Their physical symptoms are charactized by heat and congestion, and internal complaints are often expressed through inflammatory skin problems.

They are generally worse in hot conditions, worse if constipated, and feel better in cool conditions or with cool applications and they long for juicy things.

There can be a feeling of fullness in the liver area, burning and irritating hemorrhoids, which may be so bad as to resemble a bunch of grapes.

These type of people have painful periods or labour-like pains in the groin, which are worse on standing.

Generally have an upset stomach and indigestion.

Aloe Vera essence stimulates the nervous system.

The circulatory flow is increased, particularly when it is rubbed over the skin.  If rubbed on the feet, it improves the effects of reflexology.  Upset stomachs and indigestion are relived also.

Aloe leaf has hundreds of uses, the most popular being its ability to alleviate the pain of burns and hasten healing.  It is the best remedy for sunburn, often preventing later peeling.

They suffer from stress or nervousness and all related physical ailments.

Find it difficult to relax an incensed by injustice, they can become fanatical.

In Sanskrit aloe’s name is Kumari, Which means a young girl or virgin, because the plant apparently imparts the energy of youth and brings about the renewal of female energy. The theme of renewal of energy and rejuvenation continues through aloe’s use as a flower essence.

Aloe Vera is a powerful laxative (but it may be combined with ginger to stop gripping pain) and cleanser for liver, kidney, spleen, piles, cough, allergy, gasses, liver pain, intestine, bacteria, uterus problems.

It is an astringent, and an excellent blood cleanser.

Aloe Vera alleviates mucus from the body and gives relief from gasses, rashes, burns and ulcers.

Aloe Vera works on the thyroid, the pituitary gland and the ovaries.

It acts as a bitter tonic to the liver and the whole digestive tract.

It enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes, balances acid in the stomach, aids digestion and regulates sugar and fat metabolism.

It can be used to treat colitis, peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Use as a mouth wash for sore gums.

Aloe Vera essence can be taken internally for candidacies (thrush).

Juice with salt and turmeric is good for dysentery, liver and kidney problems.

For treating cancer, take flower essence and juice internally and use the oil to massage over the body.  It is effective for many skin conditions, especially burns and laceration.  It can be added to essential oils.  Put a few drops of the essence on your hands and rub that over the body.  Then apply the oil that you use.  This is how it enhances from the oil into the body.

Externally the gel can be applied for breast cancer, skin disease, eye sight.

The sticky fresh juice of aloe leaves serves as an emollient (skin-softening) ingredient in many skin lotions and creams, salves, and shampoos.

For restoring inner balance, helps in a state of exhaustion, replenishes life energies, while letting things be as they are and allowing others their opinion.

When the soul learns to balance the forces, a tremendous outpouring of positive creativity and spirituality gets realized.

Slice the leaves of the plant and place them in a glass jar.

Cover the leaves with any vegetable oil or olive oil.  Any oil can be used as the base.  Allow the mixture to soak for 60 days, then strain.  Keep the oil in a dark glass container.  Label the container, as the scent is subtle, and will not be easy to identify.  The oil will keep indefinitely.

Wash the leaves.  Cut into 2 in. (5cm.) lengths.  Slice each piece in half, to expose the largest amount of gel.  Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and date.

Remove plastic and apply the gel side of the leaf to the skin.  Smear over the affected area, or hold in place with a bandage.

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