LIFE REMEDY PILLS inspired by Rescue Remedy which is developed by Dr.Edward Bach

This is Emergency remedy helps in any mental and physical trauma or accident.

Rescue Remedy or five flower formula have 5 key flower remedies

Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem

This Rescue remedy acts as elixir, as a life-giving medicine when the condition of the patient gets serious and critical because of an accident, heart attack or the shock caused by the death of a near and dear one. Of course, a medicine is a medicine and cannot take the place of a doctor, but it certainly save the
vitality of the body from being broken and interrupted because of some disease, accident or shock and helps the patient in recovering and getting healthy.

This medicine has proved very effective and useful in cases of burns, cuts, insect- bites and terror caused by kidnapping or other terrorist activities

Rescue Remedy has been shown in a double-blind placebocontrolled trial to be effective in helping to reduce high levels of situational anxiety (as published in the Complementary Health Practice Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, pgs. 3-14, 2007—see my other book, Closing The Gap: The Scientific Case For The Bach Flower Remedies, for an in-depth look at all of the Bach Flower Remedy studies that have been conducted…many showing a profound emotional and/or physiological effect from using them).

research study on rescue remedy

Dr.Krishnamurthy, founder of bach flower remedies in India added Crab Apple flower remedy to above combination

Mrs.Lila devi, founder of Master Flower Essences use Pear flower remedy as Emegency flower remedy

Mr.Ian White of Australia developed emergency flower remedy’s combination with  Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew and Waratah.

We developed LIFE REMEDY with all these flower remedies and also added Gem Stone Remedies


  • Take it before going for surgical consultation
  • Take it before going to operation theatre for surgery
  • Immediately take after any minor or major accident to reduce internal or external bleeding
  • You can melt the pills in water and apply on immediately occured wound