“No cancer has been found, to my knowledge, that is not affected by curcumin”  (Professor Bharat Aggarwal, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas)

Curcumin has many serious fans in the fight to beat cancer – Professors at UCLA, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Emory School of Medicine and Tufts to name but four important American Cancer Centers. Why? It is a powerful antioxidant that is also anti-viral and anti-bacterial; plus it seems to have great potential to fight cancer in a number of ways.

It can be used as a complementary therapy or as an alternative cancer therapy. It is already used in some American hospitals integratively against colorectal cancer as it has anti-microbial powers. Doses of 3.2 gm a day on their own have been shown to be very effective at managing smouldering Multiple Myeloma.

All people wishing to build an anti-cancer programme should think seriously about including curcumin within it.

The anti-cancer action of curcumin (turmeric):

* Importantly, the spice can stop the action of the enzyme COX-2, known to increase chronic inflammation in the body. Such inflammation is a known precursor to cancer and other chronic illnesses.

* It has also been shown to inhibit vascular epithelial growth factors. Every tumour needs a blood supply – the growth factors build one, but curcumin has been shown to stop them.

* It has been shown to ´re-awaken´ a key tumour suppressor gene.

* It has been shown to inhibit metastases.

* It has been shown to kill cancer cells (B lymphoma cells).

* It prevents regrowth of cancer stem cells which lie at the heart of many tumours

* It has been shown to increase the effectiveness of certain drugs, while inhibiting their toxicity to healthy cells

More research is being reported every month! And showing a wide variety of benefits. For example:

1. Milk thistle and curcumin are strongly effective against colorectal cancer cells

2. Curcumin reduces the risk of breast cancer caused by HRT

3. Curcumin works with chokeberry to kill brain cancer cells


Even the BBC produced a programme and showed turmeric to greatly reduce methylation and homocysteine levels in the body. Homocysteine build up causes methylation around the DNA, which means more histones blocking messages being produced. This is the core of the Science of Epigenetics, and is linked to illnesses from cancer to Alzheimer´s.

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