KARNAPURANAM : Ancient Ayurvedic style of taking care of Ears

KARNAPURANAM IS TIME TESTED, ANCEINT RITUAL FOR RE-ESTABLISHING HARMONY IN THE EAR. KARNAPURANAM IS PART OF AYURVEDIC LIFESTYLE KARNA IN THE SANSKRIT MEANS EAR PURANA MEANS TO FILL This practise suggests the filling of the ear canal with warm oil to moisten and seal the canal so that foreign organisms cannot penetrate, and loosen earwax. […]

Your Health Depends On

👉 Your Self Esteem 👉 Your acceptance to taking responsibility 👉 Your ability to complete Tasks for the Family or Team or Business 👉 Your absorption capacity of Gut Health 👉 Your exposure to Triple Healers and Nature 👉 How You react at every moment ? 👉 Fasting 👉 Silence 👉 Studying High Consciousness Books […]

Perceptional Allergy Healing Protocol

Allergies of two types 👉 Allergy means a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive 👉 Simply we can say, Body resisting that food or environment 👉 As children have tantrums if they don’t like certain things same way […]

Perceptional Dental Healing Protocol

🔵 Avoid Tooth paste Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months! 🟢 Use Ayurvedic Tooth Powder Brush as below Once a week/month 🟠 Use baking soda for brushing teeth 🔵 Use Turmeric for brushing teeth 🟢 Use Coconut oil for brushing teeth […]

Control Creatinine with Baking Soda

The kidneys are crucial for eliminating all waste from the body through urine, but they also keep the body’s acid and base balance by eliminating excess acid.Our urine is naturally acidic because of this. Creatinine and urea levels rise in a kidney failure patient’s body when kidney function begins to decline. As a result, acid […]

Bougainvillea Flowers Tea

Bougainvillea flowers are colorful flowers, easily available in most of the old Govt. Premises and road sides. These flowers Tea prevent Ectopic Pregnancy Beneficial for Diabetics Bougainvillea as been traditionally used for controlling diabetes. It can prevent blood sugar levels from spiking thus making it beneficial for those individuals with diabetes. Heals Cough Bougainvillea has […]

Why Lamp used to keep near to Head of a dead person ?

Keeping a lamp near to head of a living person is a sin or wrong to do or causes any harm? I was asked these questions many times especially in our gatherings. This ‘Lamp near Head of Dead Person ‘ tradition followed by people since 5000yrs especially in India There is a scientific reason behind […]

Cacao [Chocolate Tree] (Theobroma Cacao) Flower remedy – Self Acceptance

→ With Cacao elixir, many parts of the body can have increase sensitivity or decreased sensitivity in areas of injury and pain. → By decreasing over-sensitivity, Cacao is helpful for seasonal allergies. → The ability of Cacao to help one to match vibrations can be used for regeneration by learning to match vibrations with the […]


Creatinine is the chemical waste product that is produced by muscle metabolism and to a small extent by eating meat.Healthy Kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from the blood.The filtered waste products leave the body through urineCreatinine is produced by creatineApproximately 2% of the body’s creatine converted into creatinineIf the kidneys are not functioning […]