FOR MENTAL : For those who lack receptivity in communication with others and are intolerance.
It is particularly recommended for people who lack warmth.
Who tend to use sharp words and cutting words, which may lead to argument or miss-understanding.
For those who listen only superficially and who are often hurtful in what they say.
They have non-attachment in personal relationship.
They are touchy about what is said to them yet insensitive in what they say to others.
Find it difficult to tolerate others and be friendly and always complaining.
If they get very angry they can harm themselves and others, so they are scared of their own anger, and will not admit their mistake and will try to justify.
Conflict, destructive, discontented, unhappy, dislike routine.
Impatience in intimacy and listening to the message.
Children are irritable, needing constant attention; when older, easily bored.
Calendula is associated with pain and grief. (It is because the flower daily mourns the departure of the sun, when its petals are forced to close.)
FOR PHYSICAL : These type of people can be thin, with dark hair, and long legs, sensitive cuts, scalds, perennial tears, bleeding after tooth extraction, mouth ulcers.
Egyptians valued it as a rejuvenating flower.
Calendula’s use extends into the creative force for the written or spoken word and can be used to enhance communication through this medium.
It is the delicate petals of the calendula flowers which are harvested when they are newly open. Calendula is a gentle herb even for children and old people.
Symptoms improve when lying still or walking, but worsen in damp or cloudy weather or in draughts and after eating.
The Calendula is pretty flowering herb, though its scent isn’t very appealing. It has antiseptic and even anti-cancerous properties. It is used to treat acne, sun-burn and even snake bites. Effective in controlling flu and herpes viruses, they also reduce lymphatic congestion and infections, and swollen lymph glands.
It is an anti-bacterial, can check amoebae infections and worms in the bowels, and is one of the best plants for treating fungal infections such as thrush.
It has been used for pelvic and bowel infections, including enteritis and dysentery and for viral hepatitis.
Calendula has an affinity for the female reproductive system. It can be taken for heavy or irregular periods, chronic uterine pain with a feeling of stretching and dragging in the groin, an enlarged uterus and vaginal warts.
It regulates menstruation, reduces tension in the uterine muscles and relieves menstrual cramps. It has an estrogenic (any of several female sex hormones) effect, which helps relieve menopausal symptoms and reduces breast congestion, which cause tenderness and mastitis.
Its astringent properties help reduce excessive bleeding and uterine congestion.
Calendula has a reputation for treating tumors and the female reproductive system, such as fibroids and ovarian cysts, as well as cysts in the breast and digestive tract.
During childbirth it promotes contractions and delivery of the placenta.
An infusion of essence has been used for treating conjunctivitis and other eye inflammations or eyewash for sore eyes.
An infusion can be used as a mouthwash for inflamed gums.
Douche or bathe for thrush and vaginal infections.
Calendula is used for injuries where the pain is out of proportion to the injury. As a tincture, it is taken internally.
It is particularly useful for wounds, which may suppurate, and to prevent cuts, injuries and inflammatory problems becoming infected.
Calendula has also been used to treat cramps, obesity, leucorrhoea, muscles pain, swelling veins, hyper acidity.
After tooth extraction, gargling with calendula in cooled boiled water can control profuse bleeding.
For skin conditions, particularly and for catarrh conditions and deafness.
Digestive colic, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Speeds post-operative healing, and reduces adhesions.
Brings relief to children having infections and fever also as a gargle for sore throats, and tonsillitis.
Wash, apply cream or compress for boils, sports inflamed wounds, painful varicose veins, leg ulcers, sore nipples in nursing mothers, and sore eyes.
Lotion or cream for itchy skin rashes, grazes, cuts, broken chilblains, eczema, and fungal infections.
Other conditions which can be helped by calendula include fever accompanied by agitation; jaundice.
Add calendula oil drop by drop to any ready-made un-perfumed pure plan cream, and blend thoroughly. Stop adding the oil when the cream reaches a soft usable consistency. Do not worry about adding too much calendula oil.
Calendula cream is easy to make and is a valuable treatment for various skin disorders. Homeopathically prepared Calendula cream is widely available and makes a useful first aid remedy for all kinds of wounds.
Calendula gives great forces of warmth and benign compassion to the human soul; especially helping to balance the active and receptive modes of communication and receptivity, especially in the use of the spoken word and in dialogue with others.
Brings understanding beyond words an appreciation for the real meaning of others messages.