
FOR MENTAL :  For those with over active mind, repetitive thoughts, chattering mind, lack of calmness, hard to wind down.

Unwanted thoughts constantly come and go, and they often talk to themselves.

Constant mental chatter, head a hall of echoes.

Often remember unpleasant thoughts and situations which come back to bother.

Mentally hyperactive, therefore lack concentration in everyday life, e.g., do not hear when they are being addressed.

Victims of an over weaning mental process that has gained an upper hand over all other personality levels.

Sensitive towards spoken words and continuously grind the words again and again.

Find it hard to concentrate on one subject because mind is constantly at use, because of thinking.

Do not listen to others when they are speaking, so when asked they do not remember the matter because the mind was not listening to what the other person was saying.

Find it difficult to meditate, cannot control the active mind.

Always over worked, even without physical movement.

Mind works like a wheel.  Delay in taking decisions.

Makes a mountain of a molehill by thinking.

FOR PHYSICAL :  Cannot sleep because of the thoughts going round in their head, particularly in the early hours of the morning.

Tired and depressed during the day, head feels full, may have frontal headache, and the eyes hurt.

Those who find it hard to concentrate and who suffer from lack of energy because the mind cannot relax.

Mental over exhaustion.

Their constant brewing on negative thoughts and words brings pain in the lower jaws and the brain in never cool and clear.

Insomnia, headache, pain in eyes, depression, piles, varicose veins, mouth ulcers, boils and ulcers.

Peace within themselves and undisturbed by outside influences, and in this quietness and calmness of the mind, comes the solution to all problems.  Promotes concentration.

Thoughts will be of positive form, cool collective and attentive, and will help them to take decisions on their own at the right time.

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