Also called “Flower of Purification”
FOR MENTAL BODY : For those people who are unable to listen to others. (like Bach Heather)
For those who scared to be alone (like Bach chicory and in some cases Bach mimulus)
For Children who feel they are unwanted and are in hindrance in other’s life.
For those adults who claim that they do not need anyone’s help.
For people experiencing Grief, especially over the demise of a loved one.
For the people who do not accept their present situation and are not happy.
In attuning to another’s energy, it sometimes appears necessary to shield your understanding, your sensibilities and most importantly your emotional response. Eucalyptus Flower relaxes this process.
Balances Heart Chakra.
Disagreements in marriages or partnerships and even sharp hostilities between people can be resolved with Eucalyptus Flower Remedy because it helps to understand the other person’s position.
FOR PHYSICAL BODY : Cleanses Lungs and Lymph system.
Help those who unable to breath.
Oxygenates the entire system.
Lowers Blood Sugar.
Eases inflammation in the Kidneys, liver, Lungs and Nasal passages.
Fever Remedy.
Helps in Herpes and Varicose ulcers.
For flu, stiff and painful joints, pain in the limbs on walking, stiff weary feelings, gout.
Effective in treating Jaundice and malaria.
MY EXPERIENCE : It helped more than 100 people who suffering from Sinus.
A Pulmonologist (Lungs Physician) gave this remedy to every patient with Asthma.
He got 100% results with most of the lung diseases cured with it.
Pulmonologist feedback me as “Eucalyptus cures where allopathy fails in all Pulmonary disorders.”
It helps who always murmur inside.
It reduces typhoid.
Also it helps to heal Hepatitis A.
Also it helps to recover from Chemotherapy.
My mother healed her high Esinopholls with it and increases Hemoglobin.