
You are the gifts of the Gods. You create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world.” Those being the thoughts of Seth as revealed in Jane Roberts’ book “The Nature of Personal Reality”. Buddha had these words to say; “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.” An interesting daily double both indicating the importance of our thoughts and especially the relevance of having goals in our life, for without them our life can meander along without a clear direction, without one having as much control over our destiny as would be desirable. In this article I will be looking at and showing the relevance of various Essences and how they can greatly enhance the process of individuals setting and achieving their goals.

“If any one thing can be conceived or pondered it exists. For whatever is dreamed or imagined is already in the realm of existence. That is how all of creation came into existence.” Ramtha

It is of the utmost importance to understand that for any goal to be achieved it has initially to be seen on an internal or mental level. Before establishing that inner view, a few Essences could be considered to easily allow and create that insight or concept of the goals.

The first Essence would be Bush Fuchsia. This is a remedy which greatly enhances one’s intuitive abilities. Goals can arise from a dream state. Bush Fuchsia helps communication in the dream state and the recall of dreams on awakening. Our goals usually stem from the very deep point of our being which is known as the higher self; the part that knows the overall plan and what is in our best interests, not only for ourselves, but for all those people who will be affected directly or indirectly by our goals. Quite often our goals seem clear to us, but the overall impact of them is far greater and way beyond what we could possibly imagine. However, it is enough for us to have an understanding of the end point of our goal without having to know the full picture.

An analogy to explain this is the bee doing its morning rounds collecting nectar. The bee does not set out to pollinate the flowers and so guarantee the continuation of the different species. Rather its job is to collect nectar, to be used in the beehive. In doing this it is fulfilling a role that leads to a far higher goal. This is also one of the reasons why it is important and beneficial to have goals. It helps to fulfil both our personal and planetary destiny. Being quite still and listening to our inner guidance brings us towards our goal. Boronia is an Essence whose key purpose is to enhance creative visualisation and allow the mind to become a powerful tool in harmony with the consciousness. It will help clear chatter from the mind and allow one to focus the mind on creative visualisation. The remedy works very powerfully on the mental body. It allows us access to the power of our consciousness in a very positive way. It is especially beneficial for people who tend to work primarily in a non-visual way i.e. a kinaesthetic, auditory or gut feeling primary mode.

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it – as long as you believe one hundred per cent. It’s all mind over matter.”Arnold Schwarzenegger……

Our minds are exceptionally powerful. I am often reminded of the early century story of a broke, recently graduated, German medical student, travelling through Russia. His preferred mode of travel was hopping on freight cars and travelling for free. On one particular journey, Hans hopped into a freight car, pulled the door closed and to his concern, it locked. What was of greater worry was the realisation that he had jumped into a refrigerated van. His desperate banging on the door to bring attention to have it opened before the train took off was to no avail. Realising that it was a long journey without stops, he believed he would not survive the trip. He had only a small amount of food and a pen and paper to write letters. He decided that as a legacy he would at least record the various stages of hypothermia (freezing to death). When the train arrived, the freight car was opened up and they found, alongside Hans’ frozen body, the notes describing all the stages of hypothermia that he had experienced. The other thing they realised was that the refrigeration was switched off, yet for Hans the power of the thought that he would freeze and the consequence, was enough for his body to go through the various stages and die. If we can harness that amount of power from our minds and use it in areas where we choose to channel it positively, the prospects are very promising indeed.

Just as Boronia allows one to have clarity of mind, Black Eyed Susan is excellent for people who are always very busy doing things and filling their lives with work and activity. It helps them to see other people’s reality and to recognise that they need to be quiet to reflect and recharge, then to get on with it. There are also the Jacaranda types who get scattered rushing from place to place, doing many things and never completing anything. Jacaranda again allows these people to be still.

Sundew could be used by an individual who, in the shower or in a daydream state, gets a great idea, but then forgets it and so the idea is lost and not put into practice. As Henry David Thoreau said “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them!”.Sundew is for grounding and making the idea practical, whilst retaining the image from that intuitive moment. Of course, after having the insight or the sense of possibility of the goal, take the time to write it down. This tends to earth it and helps to bring it into reality and give it greater power. One can feel overwhelmed by having lots of ideas buzzing around the head. Paw Paw is a good remedy for those who feel overcome by the amount of information they may be getting or by the number of steps they need to take to reach their goals.

This dilemma can also be overcome by looking towards a goal with the aid of a PERT Chart. (PERT meaning “Project Evaluation Review Technique”). This technique is widely used in the academic, corporate and government sectors. PERT allows one to turn conceptual ideas into physical roadmaps whereby a vision or a goal can be systematically worked backwards to its beginning in small logical steps. This method has proved to be highly effective in reaching a goal efficiently and successfully.

Those familiar with the Kapok flower know that its yellow colour indicates the mental areas. The flower has a touch of red to give the vision whilst the yellow gives the detail. This Essence is very good for those feeling that it is too difficult. It gives one the ability to break the goal down and see the steps needed to complete the vision.

So in working with any goal, especially if you are working with a PERT chart, Kapok is a great Essence to help facilitate the sense of what the next step is. For example, if your goal was to plan a memorable dinner party you would start at the very last step of that goal i.e. the guests leaving at the end of the night and then focus on what happens immediately before they leave which might be cleaning up. Then look to the step immediately before cleaning up which might be clearing the table. Without going too far into PERT charts, one can then assign roles i.e. who will be doing the walking out the door or who will be doing the cleaning, how much time each activity will take. Our goals will be well planned using this method.

Regardless of the method used, one of the most important things to bring about success is to see yourself, in your mind, doing it. You may also want to communicate with those people who will be directly involved with the goal and also inspire colleagues or friends and enlist their support along the way. Discussing a project with everyone before it is actually started tends to dissipate energy from it. It is a very important metaphysical teaching that the more you talk about something before it is started, energy is lost. Green Spider Orchid is invaluable in enabling people to keep their goals within, allowing them to acknowledge their idea and when the time is right to share it.

So that one can know when the goal is reached, it is necessary to make it tangible, attainable and measurable. Probably the next step is to make a commitment and develop a burning desire to bring that goal about. Of course the Essence for commitment is Wedding Bush. This gives the ability to hang in there with the goal and to be committed single mindedly in pursuing it.

As was understood centuries ago and succinctly put by Goethe, “Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too”. Having decided on the goal and committing oneself to it, Five Corners is a valuable remedy. Many people implement subconscious sabotage to achieving their goals and from research that I have carried out, it can be seen that in 95% of cases, Five Corners is a remedy which will clear the sabotage. I detect the sabotage by asking people to state their goal and check their conscious and sub-conscious commitment and desire for it through kinesiology. Invariably it is sufficient to take Five Corners for only one or two weeks to clear any sabotage. Even without muscle testing, if you have a goal, it is good to have Five Corners either individually or in combination with some other Essence, just to make sure there is no sabotage programme going on.

Five Corners is an excellent remedy for those who do not start a project or goal not because of their fear of failure but because of the fear of revealing oneself to be inadequate in the process of attaining the goal. This sense of inadequacy is often shame based and derived from early shaming or blaming from an individual’s early childhood (more on that issue in another Newsletter).

There are a lot of other mental attitudes, which can affect reaching your goal as well. Sunshine Wattle is for people who have experienced a lot of struggle or difficulty in the past and are expecting that to continue. Southern Cross is for those who feel that everything is against them and who do not have the personal power to create what they want. These people feel that they are victims in life and they cannot take charge and create what they want out of life.

The step after creating a positive mental attitude and clearing the sabotage might be the simple act of starting on the path towards your goals. Here there are two remedies, which can be helpful. Hibbertia is for those who feel that they need to read a few more books, do a few more workshops or study a little bit more before they are ready to do it. As Krishnamurti succinctly put it “This is your life and nobody is going to teach you, no book, no guru. Learn from yourself, not from books. It is an endless thing and when you learn about yourself from yourself, out of that learning wisdom comes.” Sometimes we focus too much on the outcome rather than realising it is a journey within itself. For that matter, the Hibbertia person tends to be a bit inflexible for many goals.
“A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all your life,
Once you are moving forward you can correct your course as you go.
Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you are standing still.””

Maxwell Maltz

There needs to be adjustment and flexibility. The Apollo spaceship that took Neil Armstrong to the moon was on course for only three per cent of its journey. There was continual correction to keep it on course and this applies very much to our goals. To reach a goal we should be flexible, willing to learn and be able to see patterns that we have repeated previously to make corrections and change.

Isopogon is helpful in letting us see the similar patterns in our behaviour and thus helps us not to repeat the same mistakes.

Another aspect of starting, procrastination, can be addressed with Sundew. As the old Dutch proverb proclaims “He who is outside the door has already a good part of his journey behind him.” Kapok is for the feeling of resignation and that it is all too hard once the project has been started. Peach Flowered Tea Tree is for losing the challenge and feeling bored once the project is going along nicely. Jacaranda can be used by those who are scattered and easily distracted from the goal.

Quite likely, having gone through this process the final stage is attaining the goal and to help lock in that success which gives motivation for wanting to achieve other goals. We should celebrate and acknowledge ourselves for achieving our goals and be open to the praise and acknowledgement from others. Philotheca is for those who have trouble letting in acknowledgement from others for having achieved their goal.

Finally, the Silver Princess is for those people who feel very flat and despondent after focussing on and achieving their goal. They have a letdown feeling and tend not to enjoy the journey along the way.

As Michelle Demonier poignantly writes, “The great and glorious masterpiece of life is to know your purpose”. Again the Essence for that is Silver Princess and though it may not give the whole life purpose in one vision, it will certainly help when one is at the crossroads and not quite sure of the next step to take.

“….If you move towards your goals expressing all their power, opportunity will find you as a result….”
Stuart Wilde


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