It had more spiritual significant than any other flower.
We can see Every Goddess of Hindu Mythology hold Lotus Flower(s). Also significant in Buddhism.
FOR SPIRITUALITY : Lotus Flower Remedy is a spiritual elixir and aid to meditation. Calms the mind and improves concentration.
Help to meditation.
FOR AURA AND CHAKRA : Aligns and balances the Chakra by releasing, adding and directing energies to them. Balances, cleanses and strengthens the Aura.
Enhance all forms of healing.
Act as a booster for other flower remedies, herbs and gem elixirs.
Opens the Crown Chakra to higher energies.
FOR MENTAL HEALTH : Gently releases negative emotions, correcting imbalances.
Purifies all emotions.
Lotus helps to distinguish between soul and delusional messages.
FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH : Helps to recovery from illness. Aligns and balances and clears the entire system of Toxins.
This energizes heart, liver, spleen, pineal gland, pancreas and helps in Diabetes, constipation, menopause, baldness, painful urination, fever.
Works as Brain and Cardiac tonic.
It is a good coagulating agent to prevent any type of bleeding disorder in the body.
This gives relief from palpitation of heart, vomiting and giddiness, diarrhea, skin diseases and small pox.
Past Life information stored in the Genetic code is released and Longevity increases.
Lotus transforms a person to understand the Future without Fear.
Source : my experience,
Clare g. Harvey and drs. malti Khaitan.