
Also called “Flower of the Mind” and “Tonic for Married Couple.”

FOR MENTAL HEALTH :  Helps to Focus his Mind on the higher self.  (Works like Bach Clematis)

For Married couple when they as a couple have no clarity and consciousness between themselves as individuals and as Husband and Wife.  It helps Couple to love each other and had long lasting bond between them.

It resolves an identity crisis people have about their sexuality. So it helps to resolve homosexuality and lesbianism.

Papaya helps such individuals to decide if one sex should dominate emotionally, mentally and also even in anatomically.

Suppressed emotions and tensions are gradually brought to the surface to be examined and resolved (works like Bach Agrimony).

For those who are overly concerned about others (work as Bach Red Chestnut)

It increases memory retention and assimilation of information obtained on the higher planes, integrating it into daily Life.

Clairvoyant vision, telepathic ability and most psychic skills will improve.

Papaya alleviates tensions in the dream state.

For Physical Health :  Sensitivity in the entire physical body increases.  By focusing the individual’s consciousness on specific parts of the body, Pain can be eased or stopped.

It alleviates problems associated with mixed-brain dominance.

It was originally developed in olden times to aid certain enzymatic and digestive processes to assimilate the Life force into the colon.

Used in hemorrhagic diseases, piles, liver enlargement, ringworms, diarrhea and Cardiac diseases.

Various hormones are Stimulated.

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