
Also called The Flower of Refreshment.

FOR MENTAL :  For those who crave for food, which then makes them feel sluggish or sleepy afterwards.

Getting Stuck between Two things Oscillating to and fro Feeling “whether I should do this or that.”

Work like Bach Scleranthus.

Peppermint imparts alert clarity and mental vibrancy.

For those who live in fear of losing loved ones.

Here work like Bach Red Chestnut and Rock Rose.

They fear and are acutely emotional regarding the loss of possessions, health and security of their loved ones.

Work like Bach Red Chestnut.

May suffer inner conflict related to an incomplete relationship with their Mother.

For Good relationship with Father, Sunflower Remedy already mentioned before.

Builds confidence and a sense of control.

Like Bach Larch and Cherry Plum.

Develops Mental clarity and a quick wit, encourages active and awakened thought processes.

Just Ginger Flower Remedy, Peppermint also relieves from Shock and Trauma.

Just work like Bach Star of Bethlehem.

FOR PHYSICAL :  Those who need this remedy have a soul struggle between the lower and upper parts of their being especially between the metabolic/digestive forces and the thinking/creative forces.

Because in these cases, the life or metabolic forces overwhelm the consciousness with too much warmth, making the mental capacity dull and lethargy.

Many people who need Peppermint have profound issues around eating and consciousness.

Aids protein digestion and treat gastric ulcers.

It is a wonderful Liver and Gall bladder protector.

Helps to open the skin pores and causes sweats and tone the liver, intestines and the nervous system.

This flower remedy also work as Pain killer.

Muscle and mental fatigue are both relieved by peppermint flower.

Clears blocked sinuses, bronchitis, colds, reduce fever.

MY EXPERIENCE :  This is top rest given to obese people who had craving for food.

Just like KACHNAR flower remedy, peppermint also cools the body.

Brings clarity and mental alertness.

Peppermint brings amazing and great healing and also helps in balancing energy, freeing the mind for higher thought, and helping the digestive life forces work in their proper sphere.

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