The process pregnancy starts with conception which takes place after one malesperm cell joins with one female egg cell and fertilises it. This process starts in the Fallopian tubes of the female partner and then the embryo is transported and implanted in the walls of the uterus. It grows there for nine months to build a new life.
When does ovulation take place?
Ovulation depends on the length of the menstrual cycle and the length of the periods. An average woman has her menses 12-14 days after ovulation. The menstrual can be as short as 22 days or can exceed to 36 days in some cases. Ovulation in a normal 28 day menstrual cycle takes place 14 days after the end of the periods. Ovulation takes more time in a long menstrual cycle. In most women the menstrual cycle varies by seven days, in that case the fertile window can also vary between each period. It is effective to have sex two to three days in every cycle to conceive. Regular sex every two to three days also helps to improve the quality of sperm.
Signs of ovulation
Ovulation is the time when the mature egg released from the woman’s ovary reaches the fallopian tube and is ready for fertilisation.
Signs of ovulation start about three weeks before the next menses. One of the sign of ovulation is that there is increaseof whitish vaginal discharge which is the fertile mucus. Women become sexier in this stage and there is little discomfort on one side of the stomach. The easiest way to know the fertile days is to note the changes in the cervical mucus.
How to know when ovulation will take place?
The period of ovulation can be traced by finding out the length of the menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the menses and the last day is the starting day of the next menses. Ovulation takesplace about 14 days before the next menstrual period. The normal menstrual cycle is calculated to 28 days. Ovulation takes place on the 14th day and the fertile window begins on the 12th day. In a long 35 days menstrual cycle ovulation takes place on the 21st day and fertile window begins on the 19thday. In a short 21 days menstrual cycle ovulation takes place on the 7th day and the fertile window begins on the 5th day.