
FOR MENTAL :  Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment, easily depleted, overly absorbed by negative influences, psychic toxicity.

Devitalized by city life, eating disorders, irritability, sensitive, stressed, self-vulnerability.

Those who easily get affected by their surroundings, and can be prone to many forms of environmental illness, allergies, or various psycho-somatic diseases.

Such persons have an extraordinary capacity for healing, counseling, or teaching, because they are readily able to receive psychic information and to understand the pain and suffering of others.  At the same time they are easily depleted, and are quite vulnerable to the thoughts or negative intentions of others.

For negative influences such as radioactive fallout and thought forms from psychic attack or extreme emotionalism.

For people who get affected from radiation.

For exposure to nuclear radiation and other forms of environmental stress including radiation from X-rays, therapy and other invasive electro-magnetic fields.

When overall integrity of the energy field gets depleted.

For those who feel too vulnerable and those who, through their professions, are confronted with the problems of others.

For those who are easily effected and depleted by their surroundings and the influence of others and tend to be prone to environmental illnesses, allergies, psychosomatic problems.

It helps to shield from outside influences and reduce leakage of energy and absorption of negative influences.

FOR PHYSICAL :  Frequent addition to treatments during menopause.

For venous hemorrhages and varicose veins which tend to occur in ruddy-complexioned people, after vigorous exercise or exertion, strains or injuries.

It is particularly effective for children’s eating disorders, immune disturbances and irritability.

It helps in protecting the pregnancy.

It is a strength giver and stress toner.

Yarrow is also helpful to protect against evil.

This remedy combines the remarkable light and fire processes of Yarrow plant with the strong formative forces of potentized sea salt.  By strengthening the body with strong formative forces, which can meet the harmful attack of radiation.

This remedy is indicated not only for obvious exposure to nuclear fall-out, but also for the many ways in which nuclear radiation and other forms of aberrant and highly toxic energy infiltrates the modern world.  Examples include video-display terminals, X-rays, radiation therapy, high-altitude radiation, and detection devices at airport terminals.  It is an immensely important remedy; it stands as a counter-shield to the destructive forces, which threaten and plague human and planetary life, imparting powerful vitalizing and restorative properties.

As the soul becomes more spiritually open, it necessarily becomes more refined, sensitive, and absorbent.

Legend has used yarrow to staunch his soldiers’ wounds during the Trojan War.  For wound treatment, simply press fresh leaves and flower tops into cuts and crepes on the way to washing and bandaging them.

The Greek physician, writing in the 1st century AD referred to the healing properties of yarrow for battle wounds.

Throughout history until the First World War, yarrow has been used for treating wounds; hence its common name is soldiers’ wound.

Yarrow has healing effects on mucous membranes, eases diarrhea, and improves thrombosis, blood clotting, arthritis, gout cramp, colic, digestion, inflammation, antiseptic, antispasmodic, fever, catarrh, sinusitis, hay fever, dust allergies, liver, ulcers, measles, colds, nosebleeds, abscesses, headache, gout, menopause, cellulite, acne, sunburn, smallpox, and chicken pox, early stages of fevers, especially with hot, dry skin.  It induces sleep, and eases pain.

It helps in irregular menstrual bleeding, heavy and prolonged menstrual cramps, from puberty to menopause by working with the blood, circulation and the uterus, vaginal discharges, for pelvic infections and pelvic congestion.  It helps to stem the flooding of heavy periods and to bring on delayed menstruation.

Yarrow is supportive for people undergoing radiotherapy and intestinal infections.

As a cream or compress for bleeding plies and fistula, inflammation, ulcers, and varicose veins.

In the bath to relive aches and pains.

Yarrow is regarded as a good vulnerary and septic, due to its ability to stop bleeding, for wounds, cuts, gashes, punctures or abrasions.

For skin patches, as a lotion, to bathe with, and to use as a compress massage oil beneficial for rashes and skin ulcers.

Yarrow has also been used as an anesthetic.

Yarrow is applied to the gums or teeth to relive toothache.

Inner radiance and strength of aura, compassionate awareness, sensitivity, beneficent healing forces.

By ‘astringing’ the boundaries around a person and preventing their energies form ‘bleeding’ into their environment, it acts to strengthen and solidify the self, the essence, allowing and enhancing their ability to heal, teach, counsel or follow their chosen path.

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